平凡社 別冊太陽 石田徹也 出版について 2023年6月23日出版 定価 2,750円(税別) 監修:堀切正人 A4変 160頁 現在人の不安や孤独、痛みに寄り添い作品を描き続けた画家・石田徹也。 2023年6月に生誕50年を迎えるにあたり、石田の生きた時代とその画業の展開を、代表作とともにたどる。 詳しくは平凡社ウェブサイトをご覧ください。 LanguageEnglish中国語(簡体)中国語(繁体)Japanese한국어Portugues This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
全て表示Tempura(French magazine introducing Japanese culture)Posted in
- 2020August 6 -
フランスで発行されている日本文化に関する専門誌Tempura (Published in February this year 50,000 copies HP : https://www.tempuramag.com/) 似て「就職氷河期世代」について記事内にて掲載して頂きました。 記事は、当事者の方や研究者・支援者の方にお話を伺いながら、「氷河期世代」を産むことになった当時の日本の社会状況と、その結果である現在の当事者の方の生活、またそれを改善するにはどのような政策が必要か等の点をフランスの読者に向けたものです。 生憎、日本語訳版はないようです。 LanguageEnglish中国語(簡体)中国語(繁体)Japanese한국어Portugues This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
全て表示Naoki Matayoshi's Heureka!
- 2020July 1 -
7May 15(Wednesday)From 10:00 p.m.(放映時間はお住まいの地域により異なります) Eテレ番組 『又吉直樹のヘウレーカ!』 内において『だんごむしに心はありますか?』というテーマにて制作している中、石田徹也の『だんご虫の睡眠』を紹介してくれる事となりました。 詳細は不明ですが、 通常、脳にあるとされている心の概念が、ダンゴ虫は通常とは異なる場所にある?との事のようです。 LanguageEnglish中国語(簡体)中国語(繁体)Japanese한국어Portugues This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
全て表示Reviewarticles in Spain
- 2020April 30, 2010
Currently, more than 24,000 people have died in Spain due to the serious infection and damage caused by the new coronavirus in Spain. Was the state of taking the strictest blockade measures in the world known to Tetsuya Ishida's work, which held the exhibition last year, and foreseen it? It has become a state in which articles such as can be seen very much. I am surprised and grateful to the Spanish people for their vivid memory of the exhibition. I wish you an early end. Tetsuya Ishida's exhibition, held at the Palace of Velasquez a year ago, predicted the current reality. One year after the exhibition at the Reina Sofia Art Center, the works of Tetsuya Ishida in Japan reproduced the association. Exhibition at Reina Sofia Art Center, which was ahead of reality, 、、、 artist who portrayed confinement before it happened. One year after the exhibition organized by the Reina Sofia Art Center was held, Tetsuya Ishida's work has been rediscovered. LanguageEnglish中国語(簡体)中国語(繁体)Japanese한국어Portugues This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
全て表示Published in the Chicago Tribune
- 2019年11月16日
An article on the current exhibition of wrightwwod659 was published in the Chicago Tribune, a major newspaper in the United States, on November 14. LanguageEnglish中国語(簡体)中国語(繁体)Japanese한국어Portugues This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
全て表示Broadcast on TV Asahi Sunday Station
- 2019September 7 -
TV Asahi Sunday Station will introduce the current exhibition scenery of Madrid. Please take a look at the scenery of the exhibition in the distance. The article in the Asahi Shimbun published on August 20 received a great response, and it seems that it was decided to air it in a hurry. Sunday, September 8 from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. LanguageEnglish中国語(簡体)中国語(繁体)Japanese한국어Portugues This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
全て表示Ishida, Tetsuya notes China Edition publication notice
- 2018August 27, 2010
"Tetsuya Ishida Note" Simplified Chinese Edition Publication Notice Publisher: Beijing China Culture Ban Co., Ltd. Price: 225.00 Yuan Sales Area: Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) This website was also only in Japanese and English, but since September, it has been scheduled to be compatible with Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Hangul, and Portuguese. Please use it. LanguageEnglich中国語(簡体)中国語(繁体)Japanese한국어Portugues This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
全て表示Italy magazine
- 2018April 20th.
Published in the magazine HESTETIKA of Italy. We write articles in Milano, Elisabetta Scantamburilo Japan unfortunately cannot be purchased. Hestetica No,28 4.99? http://www.hestetika.it/LanguageEnglish中国語(簡体)中国語(繁体)Japanese한국어Portugues This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
全て表示Ishida, Tetsuya notes Chinese Edition publication notice
- 2017In January 20th.
今年、中国本土にて「石田徹也ノート」の中国語版が発刊される事となりました。 中国の出版社との調整に約1年かかりましたが、ようやく契約締結できました。 発行日は現在のところ未定ですが、決まりましたらHPにて掲載致します LanguageEnglish中国語(簡体)中国語(繁体)Japanese한국어Portugues This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
全て表示Han nation Seoul National University published in "Asia's leading' was published.
- 2016October 18 -
ソウル大学校アジア研究所 『アジアは通じる』に掲載されました。 掲載作品は3点、全てハングル文字の為、内容はわかりません。 LanguageEnglish中国語(簡体)中国語(繁体)Japanese한국어Portugues This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.